Photo by Robin Clark

Photo by Robin Clark

Laura Foulke, Ed.M.

My entire career has been devoted to helping young people be successful in school, become leaders in their communities, and thrive.

When I was growing up, I was told that education is the one thing that can’t be taken away from you. The message was clear: education is the most important investment you can make.

Yes, I have my parents and my grandparents to thank for investing in me.

When I started school, my parents made a conscious choice to send me to a progressive Quaker school, Germantown Friends School, in urban Philadelphia. It was not convenient to our house or to their commute to work, but it was the school that they wanted for me because the school’s values were the right ones. Walking down that path in those early years really shaped who I am and set in motion my passion for education. For high school, I was itchy for a change and went to St. George’s School, a boarding school that was more traditional (boys wore ties!) and had students from across the country and the world. We didn’t use the word agency when I was in high school, but living and going to school away from my family made all of my achievements feel like I had made them happen for myself. My challenges and mistakes were also mine to overcome.

My college counselor almost crushed my dream to go to Bowdoin College when he told me, “You can’t go there. You won’t get in.” I realized at that moment that he didn’t know me. I sought out a teacher who believed in me - someone who was kind and supportive. With her support and encouragement, I applied Early Decision - and got in. Bowdoin was a great fit for me, and I loved pretty much everything about my time there.

My early career involved teaching in rural Thailand, getting a Masters from Harvard Graduate School of Education, working outside of the classroom (philanthropy, higher education, and a K-8 charter school) to nurture the promise and potential of students on their path to a college education. For over 14 years, I helped lead Aim High, a transformational summer program that expands educational access and opportunities for underserved middle school youth. It was an honor and a privilege to serve thousands of kids across the Bay Area and beyond.

The seed was planted for Sparrow Educational Consulting a long time ago when I found an advocate who supported and encouraged me. I’ve developed the skills to instill the courage and fortitude in young people to find the college that is right for them and help them get there. I also enjoy working with parents, learning about the unique values, considerations and priorities of each family, and providing support and encouragement.

Other facts about me: I earned a Certificate in College Counseling from UCLA in spring 2019. I’m an Associate Member of Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA), and a Provisional Member of the Higher Education Consultants Association. I love to learn and I’m an education junkie - I read EdWeek for fun, my favorite people are teachers, and I love visiting and learning about all different kinds of schools. In 2008, I made the brave choice to become a single mother and I have a young daughter who is navigating the early years of her educational path.

And at the core of what I do is a belief that education is the greatest equalizer and pathway to opportunity and growth.

For more on my professional background, please visit my LinkedIn profile.
